The Page Paleontological Science Center is in the "conceptual stage". As an Institution, Organization, Scholar, Investor, Political Entity, Educator or Individual your support can help to make this concept a reality.
Your ideas and general comments in regard to this concept are most welcomed and appreciated.
In addition, "Letters of Conceptual Support" are being solicited as these would be instrumental in building momentum for this idea / project..
You could also indicate your willingness to "serve remotely" on an advisory board related to this project.
Where we go from here depends on the nature of the feedback. If feedback is encouraging, then an Strategic Plan would be drafted and circulated. Basic components would likely include the formation of an official advisory board and the creation of a new non-profit organization (The Northern Arizona Paleontological Society) to provide the political framework for carrying out future action items. One necessary action item would be to solicited grant monies and/or funds to conduct an official "Feasibility Study".
Thank for your interest in this project.
Comments, ideas and "Letters of Conceptual Support" can be sent to:
Paul Ostapuk
City of Page "Focused-Future Implementation Team" member
Glen Canyon Natural History Association board member